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December 11, 2009 / lawrencebarsanti

Is your app really that important?

I recently bought an HP laptop that came loaded with its fair share of bloatware.  Over the years, I have managed to shake my OCD dreams of a ‘clean’ system so when I brought my shiny new laptop home I just started using it.  I started installing all my development tools, some handy apps (see clipx, notepad++), ect…

Once my system was setup the way I like it, I sat down to write some code.  I fired up Delphi, typed in a new function definition, then used one of my favourite shortcuts, Shift+Ctrl+C, to generate corresponding code in the implementation section.  Hmmm… this is taking longer than usual… HP Health Check… WTF?  Maybe it’s just a coincidence?  Shift+Ctrl+C …. HP Health Check … Dammit!

That right, someone at HP thought that HP Health Check was important enough to warrant the use of a system wide hot key that supersedes any application hot keys (accelerator keys).  News Flash… it isn’t.

In their defence, they probably have a semi-legitimate reason for doings this (make life easier for tech support?) and they did pick a lesser used combination.  Unfortunately, this seemingly harmless convenience actually breaks any application which uses that accelerator key combination.  A quick search for Shift+Ctrl+C revealed several post requesting help because Shift+Ctrl+C is not working in their version of:

  • Photoshop
  • The Sims
  • Spore
  • etc…

Before you plan on adding any global hooks to your application please consider the following:  It is unlikely that a user intends to do anything with your application unless they are actually using it.

Are you the victim of Accelerator Key theft?

To get rid of unwanted system wide hotkeys you can use this approach:

  1. delete the executable that is launched by the hotkey
  2. use the hotkey sequence
  3. a window will pop up stating that there is a problem with the shortcut
  4. choose to delete the shortcut
  5. restore the executable
December 6, 2009 / lawrencebarsanti

Why I used threads

Threads are typically viewed as a very powerful but dangerous programming concept.  They are powerful concept because they allow code to be broken up into several executable chunks that can be scheduled by the operating system and run concurrently on multi-core/multi-processor systems.  Unfortunately, by doing this, your program become susceptible to a whole new breed of problems that are hard to reproduce and debug.  Because of this, I feel it is necessary (if only to prove to myself) to defend my usage of threads in a project that I am working on.

The Project

I work for a small company that makes custom ultrasonic equipment to monitor manufacturing processes and assess the quality of the manufactured goods.  On top of your normal CRUD application needs, this also involves communicating with manufacturing equipment, communication with ultrasonic hardware, and running complex signal processing algorithms in a time sensitive environment (order of ms) .  One of my main tasks is/was to combine all the pieces of this puzzle into a  monitoring application that can run on a dedicated Windows based computer that sits on the factory floor.

A typical manufacturing process will have a robot capable of making a few similar but different products.  It goes something like this:

  1. Robot sits idle waiting for materials to be loaded
  2. Materials for one of the products are loaded
  3. Robot is told to build the product
  4. Robot moves to a position
  5. Robot performs an action
  6. Repeats steps 4 and 5 until product is built

At this stage in our product’s development, the manufacturing environment is asynchronous meaning we have no control over its processes; things happen when they happen.  However, our ultrasonic equipment must collect data in real-time while actions are being performed (i.e. during step 5).  So if the software cannot activate the ultrasonic equipment at the right time, maybe it busy with a length signal processing algorithm, the data is lost forever.

My Approach

I separated the application’s functionality into two threads.  The acquisition thread has complete control of the hardware for collecting ultrasonic data and the hardware for communicating with the manufacturing equipment.  The main thread is responsible for everything else which includes user interaction, CRUD operations, and processing the ultrasonic data.  The acquisition thread sends the main thread messages using a thread-safe message queue.

Why it Works

The acquisition thread is assigned the highest priority possible when it is created and its main routine looks something like this.

while not Terminated do
  waitForStartActionSignal; // sleep

The acquisition thread spends the vast majority of its time waiting for signals from the manufacturing environment, so even though it has the highest priority possible, it does not starve the main thread or any other system processes for that matter.  However, as soon a signal is received from the manufacturing equipment, the acquisition thread instantly springs to life an runs uninterrupted until it next sleep.  Thus, the most important task, collecting ultrasonic data, will be completed on time no matter what the main thread or other system processes are doing.  Since, the acquisition thread sends information to the main thread through a queue, it can easily handle short periods of time where data is collected faster than it can be processed.

It has been a little over a year and a few hundred-thousand products since our first installation and I have to say that the approach described here has worked very well.  However, I am not immune to the problems that plague developers who try to harness the power of threads.  For the first month or so, the software would arbitrarily freeze and I could not figure out why.  Eventually, with a little help, I was able to find my one and only deadlock.

December 2, 2009 / lawrencebarsanti

Exceptions: to throw or not to throw…

Exceptions are a useful programming concept because they1:

  1. separate error handling code from regular logic
  2. propagate errors up the stack automatically
  3. provide a convenient way to group and handle different types of errors

I have been thinking about exceptions a lot lately and I would have to agree with the commonly help opinion that exceptions are a useful programming concept.  However, for all the good they provide, I do think that there is one major disadvantage and that it does not get much attention.

it is hard to use exceptions and exception handling correctly

By this I mean it is hard to know when an exception is the right way to communicate an error condition.  I have read several blogs recently and it seems that most people subscribe to one of the following philosophies:

  1. exceptions should be used whenever a function cannot perform its job
  2. exceptions should only be used for unpredictable events

To help clarify the difference between the two trains of thought, lets consider a function that converts an ascii string to an integer.  These two groups disagree on what should happed when the function is passed the string ‘abc’.  People in group 1 want an exception while people in group 2 do not.  However, both groups would agree that an exception should be thrown if the function is passed a null pointer or something along those lines.

Both camps have some good arguments explaining why their approach is better [here are a few 1, 2, 3, 4].  Since I do most of my coding in Delphi, I decided to look to the choices made by its designers for guidance.  Here’s what I found2:

//throws an exception if S cannot be converted to an integer
function StrToInt(S: String): integer;
// returns false if S cannot be converted to an integer
function TryStrToInt(S: String; out Value: Integer): boolean;
//returns Default if S cannot be converted to an integer
function StrToIntDef(S: String; Default: Integer): integer;

Hmmm… why didn’t they pick a side?  I believe that the designers realized that there is no best approach because both approaches can be useful depending on the situation.  So, if you are writing a really generic function, like one that converts a string to an integer, it is probably best to provide both options but if your writing a really specific function, like one that reads an applications settings, just do what is best for the code that will be calling your functions.

  2. dig a little deeper and you will discovered that these functions are just wrappers for the Val function which does not use exceptions
November 30, 2009 / lawrencebarsanti

Save time debugging. Use the EAX register.

Once and a while I run into code like this.

if SomeObject.SomeCounter() > 0 then
    // do something
    // do something else

Under normal circumstances the exact value of SomeCounter does not matter but when your are trying to track down a nasty bug, the exact value could be really useful.  If your lucky, you can just mouse over SomeCounter or add a watch, and the debugger will tell you the value.  However, there are many cases where this does not work so you have to stop debugging and change the code to look something like this.

N := SomeObject.SomeCounter();
if N > 0 then
  // do something
  // do something else

Here is a trick that saves me a lot of time.  The return value of a function is stored in the EAX register. So to get value of SomeCounter, you can just at the watch Integer(EAX) and look at it immediately after the function returns.  What if the return type is a string or some sort of complex object?  The EAX register will hold a pointer to the object which can be casted and examined (i.e. PString(EAX)^ or TMyObject(EAX)).  So far the only type I haven’t figured out are floating point values.  Please post a comment if you know how to do this.

November 28, 2009 / lawrencebarsanti

Introduction to Pascal Script

I recently started using Pascal Script and the only useful documentation I could find were these (one, two) tutorials. These two tutorials utilize the TPSScript component and Unit Import tool which, in my opinion, make Pascal Script cumbersome to use.   Because of this, I decided to write this article which should help you use Pascal Script effectively.

I will use this example to teach you how to:

  1. Write Pascal Scripts
  2. Compile and Execute Pascal Scripts
  3. Add additional classes, functions, and types to Pascal Scripts

Write Pascal Scripts

Here is the script that comes the example.  The script defines the function PrettyPrint and makes use of the custom function print and the custom class TAccumulator.  By custom, I mean, the compiler and runtime had to be extend before print and TAccumulator could be used.

function PrettyPrint(Value: Integer): String;
   Result := 'The value is ' + IntToStr(Value);

   Accumulator: TAccumulator;
   I: Integer;
   print('Script started...');
   Accumulator := TAccumulator.Create;
      for I := 3 to 6 do
   print('Script complete.');

Here are some tips that will help you write Pascal Scripts.

  1. Every script must have a main code block; ‘begin … end.’ note the period after end. When the script is run, it starts at the first line in the main code block. Any code that cannot be reached by from the main code block will not be executed. The main code block starts on line 9 in the example.
  2. Functions, constants, and variables that will be used in the script must be defined before the main code block.  Any variable defined outside of a function is global and can be used by any of the functions that it precedes.  The use of global variables is considered bad practice so I like to define them immediately before the main code block.  The variable definitions start on line 6 in the example and can only be used by the main code block.
  3. Functions are supported but procedures are not. This is not a big deal but it can get annoying because the compiler will return a warning if the result of a function is not set.
  4. Scripts can introduce memory leaks.  Any objects created during the scripts execution should also be destroyed.

Compile and Execute Pascal Scripts

The makers of Pascal Script, decide that scripts would be compiled into bytecode before being run.  This means that scripts must be syntactically correct before they can be run (some scripting languages are interpreted line by line during execution).  It also means that bytecode can be reused so a script that is run several times only needs to be compiled once.

Pascal Scripts can be compiled with the class TPSPascalCompiler which is found in the unit uPSCompiler.  On line 12 in the following code, both the Compile and GetOutput methods of TPSPascalCompiler are called.  Both methods return true on success, so if Result is true after line 12 is executed, that means Script was compiled successfully and the resulting bytecode was stored in Bytecode.  The compiler produces both error and warning messages, so lines 13-17 are used to copy any messages into the string Messages.

function TForm1.CompileScript(Script: AnsiString; out Bytecode, Messages: AnsiString): Boolean;
    Compiler: TPSPascalCompiler;
    I: Integer;
    Bytecode := '';
    Messages := '';

    Compiler := TPSPascalCompiler.Create;
    Compiler.OnUses := ExtendCompiler;
        Result := Compiler.Compile(Script) and Compiler.GetOutput(Bytecode);
        for I := 0 to Compiler.MsgCount - 1 do
          if Length(Messages) = 0 then
            Messages := Compiler.Msg[I].MessageToString
            Messages := Messages + #13#10 + Compiler.Msg[I].MessageToString;

Once you have the bytecode for your script, you can use TPSExec, found in unit uPSRuntime, to execute it.  Line 10 of the following code attempts to submit Bytecode to the runtime, execute it, and then verify that it executed successfully.  LoadData prepares the runtime to execute Bytecode and returns true if it is ready to run.  RunScript is only called if LoadData returns true and it will return false if the script encounters some sort of runtime error (like divide by 0).  If either method returns false, Runtime.LastEx will contain an error code.  When an error occurs, the function PSErrorToString is used to convert the error code to a string.

function TForm1.RunCompiledScript(Bytecode: AnsiString; out RuntimeErrors: AnsiString): Boolean;
  Runtime: TPSExec;
  ClassImporter: TPSRuntimeClassImporter;
  Runtime := TPSExec.Create;
  ClassImporter := TPSRuntimeClassImporter.CreateAndRegister(Runtime, false);
    ExtendRuntime(Runtime, ClassImporter);
    Result := Runtime.LoadData(Bytecode)
          and Runtime.RunScript
          and (Runtime.ExceptionCode = erNoError);
    if not Result then
      RuntimeErrors :=  PSErrorToString(Runtime.LastEx, '');

Extend the scripting language with your own objects, functions, and types

I mentioned earlier that the compiler and runtime have to be extend before print and TAccumulator can be used.  When you extend the compiler, you are telling it that additional classes, functions, and types will be available at runtime.  On the other hand, when you extend the runtime, you provide it with the actual code that will be executed when the additional classes and functions are used by a script.

To extend the compiler, you must assign a function to the OnUses event handler of the compiler object.  I assigned the function ExtendCompiler, shown below, on line 10 of the CompileScript function shown above.  The OnUses event handler is called by the compiler during compilation and will cause compilation to fails if it returns false.  I’m not sure why it is designed this way but trying to extend the compiler from outside the OnUses event handler will result in an exception.

function ExtendCompiler(Compiler: TPSPascalCompiler; const Name: AnsiString): Boolean;
    CustomClass: TPSCompileTimeClass;
    Compiler.AddDelphiFunction('procedure print(const AText: AnsiString);');

    SIRegisterTObject(Compiler); // Add compile-time definition for TObject
    CustomClass := Compiler.AddClass(Compiler.FindClass('TObject'), TAccumulator);
    Customclass.RegisterMethod('procedure Add(AValue: Integer)');
    CustomClass.RegisterMethod('function GetTotal: Integer');
    Result := True;
    Result := False; // will halt compilation

Line 6 of ExtendCompiler passes the definition of the print procedure to the compiler.  If you need to define a type you can use the method AddTypeS which takes the name of the new type and the definition of the new type as strings [i.e. AddTypeS(‘TDynStringArray’, ‘Array of String’)].  When you add functions and types, the compiler will perform compile type checks to make sure they are used correctly (i.e. correct number of arguments passed to a function).

Registering classes is a bit more difficult than registering functions and types.  First you need to register the class which will return an instance of TPSCompileTimeClass.  The instance of TPSCompileTimeClass is then used to register the individual methods.  Line 9, tell the compiler that TAccumulator exists and that it extends the class TObject (FindClass returns an instance of TPSCompileTimeClass for classes that have already been registered).  It is important that the compiler knows TAccumulator extends TObject because the script uses the Free method which is inherited from TObject.

The function SSIRegisterTObject on line 8 registers the class TObject.  The function is defined in the unit uPSC_std which comes with Pascal Script.  There are several units, all starting with uPSC_, that contain functions similar to SSIRegisterTObject that will register common Delphi functions, classes, and types, with the compiler.  I recommend you locate these functions because they will save you a lot of time and code.

Extending the runtime involves assigning function pointers to all of the functions and methods that were added to the compiler.  If this is done incorrectly, i.e. a wrong calling convention is used or a function does not match the declarations given to the compiler, the script will generate errors when run.

procedure TForm1.ExtendRuntime(Runtime: TPSExec; ClassImporter: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
  RuntimeClass: TPSRuntimeClass;
  Runtime.RegisterDelphiMethod(Self, @TForm1.MyPrint, 'print', cdRegister);

  RuntimeClass := ClassImporter.Add(TAccumulator);
  RuntimeClass.RegisterMethod(@TAccumulator.Add, 'Add');
  RuntimeClass.RegisterMethod(@TAccumulator.GetTotal, 'GetTotal');

The call to RegisterDelphiMethod on line 5 tells the runtime to call the MyPrint method every time the print function is called from the script.  RegisterDelphiMethod was used because my MyPrint is a method and it belongs to a class.  If MyPrint were a function, you would use RegisterDelphiFunction instead which only takes three parameters [i.e. RegisterDelphiFunction(@MyPrint, ‘print’, cdRegister)].

To register classes and their methods with the runtime, an instance of TPSRuntimeClassImporter is needed.  In my example, an instance of  TPSRuntimeClassImporter created on line 7 of RunCompiledScript, passed to the ExtendRuntime function, and then manually freed when the script is finished executing.  I manually free TPSRuntimeClassImporter because the AutoFree option, the second parameter of the constructor, always generates an exception when I try to use it.  Once you have an instance of TPSRuntimeClassImporter, registering classes with the runtime works pretty much the same as registering classes with the compiler.  However, the functions for registering common Delphi functions and classes are stored in units starting with uPSR_.

That’s all I have for now.  Don’t forget to take a look at the example.  It is very short and should be quite helpful.

If you have any questions, suggestions, corrections, etc… please leave a comment.

November 26, 2009 / lawrencebarsanti

Center a dialog box with Delphi

If you use Delphi, then you have likely used the functions ShowMessage, ShowMessagePos,  MessageDlgPos, etc…  These functions are nice because the allow you to display a quick message to the user with very little code (typically 1 line).  Unfortunately, the use of these functions usually leads to some variant of the question.

‘How can I center this dialog box in the application window?’

This seems like it should be easy to do but I have wasted a lot of time trying to find an elegant way to do this.  After some searching I discovered that all of the function listed above ultimately call the function CreateMessageDialog 1.  This function returns a form that can be resized and/or repositioned as necessary before showing.  However, using this function also means more code which makes it inconvenient to use.  If you don’t mind the extra code, just use CreateMessageDialog in place of ShowMessage, ShowMessagePos,  MessageDlgPos, etc…

I created a simple wrapper for CreateMessageDialog that is very similar to MessageDlgPos but my version allows you control the location of the dialog box by passing a TPosition value.  This way you can just write something like

ShowMessageDialog(‘Hi.’, mtInformation, poMainFormCenter, [mbOk]);

Here is the code.  Please leave a comment if you know of a better approach.

function ShowMessageDialog(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; DlgPos: TPosition;
  Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; DefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn): TModalResult; overload;
  Dialog: TForm;
  Dialog := CreateMessageDialog(Msg, DlgType, Buttons, DefaultButton);
    Dialog.Position := DlgPos;
    Result := Dialog.ModalResult;

function ShowMessageDialog(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; DlgPos: TPosition;
  Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): TModalResult; overload;
  DefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn;
  if mbOk in Buttons then DefaultButton := mbOk else
    if mbYes in Buttons then DefaultButton := mbYes else
      DefaultButton := mbRetry;

  Result := ShowMessageDialog(Msg, DlgType, DlgPos, Buttons, DefaultButton);

1. As of Vista, these functions will try to use a Task Dialog instead of calling CreateMessageDialogs.  If you just need a regular ole dialog box, this code will work fine.